Orchestrating Regenerative Transitions


ReFi is a Collective of organizations, communities, and experts committed to addressing the root causes of global systemic challenges such as environmental degradation, financial system imbalance, and widening social gaps.

We facilitate the transition to regenerative systems through collaboration and bio-innovation, acting as a mycelium that exchanges value and builds trust networks among diverse stakeholders.

🚀 Our moonshot is to regenerate 100 Bioregions in Latin America by 2030.



Collaboration, bio-innovation, and nature-based solutions to co-create, structure, implement, and monitor social, environmental, and economic regeneration processes.


Resilience and adaptability enhancement through the exchange of technical knowledge and the development of human skills necessary to lead transitions across various fields of action.


Protocols for collaboration among diverse stakeholders that facilitate the creation of trust, enabling investment in regenerative projects with traceability and transparency.

Start a conversation to explore how we can create value together.

Recent Projects

“Palabras De La Tierra”

“Trading and Portfolios Online Diploma”

“Design of Comprehensive Sustainability Strategy”

“ÖTÖTE Regenerative Jewellery Boutique”

How to Apply Biomimicry to Your Business?

Explore our latest research, "Embracing Nature: The Biomimetic Business Approach to Resilient Growth". As we face escalating environmental challenges, companies are increasingly turning to nature-based solutions.

This research delves into how biomimicry—designing business models that emulate nature's wisdom—can address complex human problems and foster resilient, sustainable growth.